The story of Manisha Group takes us back to 1983, to the humble beginnings of a young boy with an entrepreneurial mind-set starting his first business selling coconuts to local vendors from the back of his bicycle. With an ambition to conquer the world of business, he sought out ways of expanding the business’s reach while at the same time uplifting the farming communities it depended on, and protecting its rich natural resources.
The story of Manisha Group takes us back to 1983, to the humble beginnings of a young boy with an entrepreneurial mind-set starting his first business selling coconuts to local vendors from the back of his bicycle. With an ambition to conquer the world of business, he sought out ways of expanding the business’s reach while at the same time uplifting the farming communities it depended on, and protecting its rich natural resources.
Thinking well ahead of his time, his hard work and dedication in executing what we now refer to as sustainable farming and manufacturing, is what laid the foundation for the Group’s success over the next four decades.
Worth over $50 million dollars, the Group is recognized as a leading manufacturer and international exporter of world-class quality growing media, and natural and coconut fibre solutions. The Group boasts over 60,000 hectares of plantations and 5 strategic production facilities.
To be an international industry leader in innovative and sustainable coconut and natural fibre-based products and value-added solutions.
Build premium-quality, sustainable product lines, inspire and produce eco-friendly solutions to global needs and problems, and cause no harm to the environment.
With years of domain expertise invested in our products and processes, what differentiates us from the rest is our ability to leverage modern high-tech production methods and cutting-edge research as well as traditional know-how, towards consistently superior products.
We also take pride in letting our customers know that by choosing Manisha Group as their solution provider, they are making a positive social impact: empowering small scale plantation owners to build sustainable livelihoods.